Employee burnout: Who is to blame and what can be done?
Executives need to own up to their role in creating workplace stress that leads to burnout 'and create systems of...
Executives need to own up to their role in creating workplace stress that leads to burnout 'and create systems of...
Allan Ngunze, HR Manager at Population Services Kenya (PS Kenya) shares some insights on the current 'and future state of...
Companies that empower their workforce – by helping them plan for the unknown, mitigate risk 'and thrive at work –...
Creating a compelling place for employees to work is a critical success factor for a business. By MIRIAM M. CHEGE...
BY LIZZ WAMBUA Innovative thinking is an ongoing process that involves use of internal 'and external data to find 'and...
© 2021 Management Magazine - A Publication of Kenya Institute of Management.
© 2021 Management Magazine - A Publication of Kenya Institute of Management.